A Career I Could Love Again
12 August 2002
Were it not for all of this time and effort in learning how to ”program” a weblog to look and behave and default to the features I want, blogging professionally would be a dream. I’d love to spend the lion’s share of my day researching and blogging the latest on leadership, quality, customer service and the techniques that lead to business excellence.
Paul Harvey once said, ”do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” That’s a certain recipe for getting out of the rat race. As always, the shout from the masses is, ”Yes, but how?” (YBH)
Blogging for Dollars: Giving Rise to the Professional Blogger. What about the notion to pay people to blog for commercial sites covering genre-specific content? By providing financial incentive for great bloggers to publish, we remove economic constraints and enable them to devote their energies full-time to producing compelling content and to creating outstanding Weblogs. [O’Reilly Network Articles]
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