Sounds Like A Lot Of Work

11 August 2002

What happens when XHTML 2.0 is approved? I’d love to understand all of this stuff!?!

>From News and Notes at coolstop... A minor version upgrade to the entire coolstop/2002v1 site is now in progress. The goal is to improve accessibility and convert all coding to be 100% compliant with W3C XHTML 1.0 and CSS specifications. Though it may take longer (realistically), I’m shooting for having the entire site upgrade completed before coolstop’s 5th Year Anniversary on October 14, 2002. I’m working on the main page (and its components) now and it will be uploaded when done additional sections of the site will go online as they’re completed. If all goes well (with a little luck), I just might meet the ol’ deadline… ;~) []

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