In A Weird Sort Of Way

11 August 2002

I’m glad to hear this. After all of my frustrations with HTML coding and trying to understand how to modify templates in Radio Userland, it is a little comforting to hear of a truly talented designer who ocassionally has frustrations.
In a recent inquiry to someone who has done some excellent design work, I inquired about altering my Radio templates. The response was direct. ”It’s just a matter of designing around the proprietary code though, right?” That’s what I’m told. But, how does one identify the proprietary code? I can’t drop a simple site meter GIF into a template without hosing the entire home page.

Why I am not a web designer. I got started drawing up Yarinareth today. I have the beginnings of a color scheme (David said he wanted sky colors and I am trying to oblige) and a top banner. That took me about two hours (what with swearing… [Caveat Lector]

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