Links In New Windows

14 March 2002


I attempted to follow the instructions for putting a checkbox on my home page that allows links to open in new windows. I used these instructions. Now:

  • The checkbox doesn’t work
  • My posts are in a completely new font

Any clues?

PARTIAL ANSWER: I couldn’t find the offending code from my experiment with the checkbox. So, I backed up the www folder and ”played” with themes. Sure enough, I lost my comments, but I did not lose my navigator links. By changing themes and finally going back to this theme, I somehow corrected the font problem that got created this morning. My next step is going to be to print the code from this home page template and compare it line for line with the one I backed up. This may be what Dave calls bootstrapping. Absent documentation for how these templates and macros hand things to each other, this appears to be the only way to learn! Nevermind the checkbox for now.
UPDATE: I just added the comment macro back to the item template. Lo and behold, I got all my comments back! How does this really work? Trust me when I say that I don’t even understand what I just said about macros and templates. I’m simply trying to cut, copy and paste where people or instructions tell me to do so. I’d love to understand the ”flow” from this local weblog where I’m typing right now through the templates through the macros to the rendered site you see when you call this up in your browser. How does a web page from Radio get ”the look” that it has from a theme? Is a theme a set of ”specifications” inside templates? In other words, what color is the background, the border, what font is used, how are things spaced, how wide is the posting area, etc.?       Anyhow…looks like I’m back together.

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