What Is The Journalistic Process?

3 August 2002

For those of us not schooled in journalism

”Dave” says, ”I want to start an outline about what a weblog is, because there’s more to say. Maybe it’ll be a three-column table. In column 1, a topic. For example: Fact-checking. In the second column, how centralized journalism does it; and in the third column, how it works in the weblog world…” Another row. In column 1, ”Research”. In column 2, ”A reporter spends two weeks interviewing experts, with transcription errors, dumbing-down, etc added.” In column 3, ”Experts spend a lifetime trying new ideas, learning from their mistakes, and learning how to explain their philosophy. Weblogs let them publish their ideas without intermediaries.” [Scripting News]

”Journalism training is a bit like playing the piano…”—William Babcock The core of Babcock’s simile is wrong… [A Public Space for Self Expression]

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