Why I Have A Weblog!

13 March 2002

Why I have a weblog!

Dan Bricklin’s influence on my web interests has been paramount. From the earliest search for a tool to use to do a simple web site, I found Dave Winer, scripting.com and Radio. From these people and sites I’ve learned of many more. I’m interested in some of them because they teach me about weblogs and Radio in particular. I’m interested in others because they write about something I’m interested in.
Dave’s given you his take. Sam’s given you his take. Here’s mine:

  • to learn the hands-on stuff associated with web sites, HTML, web services, XML and the future of computing
  • to have a place to post my thoughts for family, friends and others
  • to have a way to influence change – this will come with readership, but Dan Bricklin’s essay about pampleteers sums it up
  • to see if there is money to be made in writing, weblogging or providing assistance to others who need tools for collaboration
  • to journalize my interests – see the About link or you might want to read this

Now, if only I can learn how to:

  • develop my own theme/look without undoing all the work I’ve done so far
  • figure out if moving to a new domain(FTP) is going to alter the links to my stories
  • put links for my RSS feeds subscriptions on my site
  • put links for my posts by category
  • create a search capability
  • provide the checkbox for the ”open links in a new window” feature
  • paste pictures & clipart into my posts

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