There Is Excellent Political Punditry

17 July 2002

Keep an eye on the comments to this post; things might get interesting
as someone attempts to gain notoriety!

in these links, I have to admit that part of my fascination with some of the high-traffic bloggers has to do with their site designs. You see, I’m trying to inch closer to the renaming of this weblog and its move to a new domain. Ideas seem to flood in when reading all of these non-techie weblogs.

IS IT POSSIBLE FOR LIBERALISM TO BE RIGHT EVEN IF KATIE COURIC ISN’T? Mickey Kaus dares to ask the question, as he notes that Ann Coulter was right about the ”airhead” issue. Plus, Jack Shafer zeroes in on hypocritical crony capitalism by The New York Times.

I have to say, I find the ”airhead” controversy even less enlightening than the ”trifecta” controversy. But hey, I’m on vacation, so this stuff seems less important to me than usual.
The Times story is likely to have legs, though, and illustrates why it’s going to be harder than many pundits think for the left to pillory Bush and the Republicans for financial chicanery—the left sold its financial soul long ago. They’re down to trading puts and calls on it now.
UPDATE: If you’re less bored with the ”trifecta” story than I am (like, you know, if you’re not on vacation) Brendan Nyhan has an update over at SpinSanity.Com. I have to say, I find the Al Gore trifecta story the funniest part of this whole long-running affair. [InstaPundit]

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