Robert's Excitement Is Contagious

14 July 2002

When was the last time you were this enthusiastic about a purchase?

More great Nikon Coolpix 5700 images. Think digital cameras aren’t there yet? Look at these shots, taken and posted yesterday. The Nikon 5700 is looking like a very awesome $1200 camera. In particular, look at this image. Along the bottom, you can see the full image as it came off of the camera. These are unretouched images. Awesome. I have this one on my desktop right now (I applied a little sharpening in Photoshop, and also increased the contrast slightly to accentuate the color—I cut off some of the darker pixels by using Photoshop’s adjust levels tool). If this is the kind of thing we can expect to see, we’re going to see a whole new age of photography. Ansel Adams would be thrilled. Oh, by the way, is awesome for sharing photography with others. I’m going to send them some money to help them stay in business. [Scobleizer Radio Weblog]

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