My Entry

13 July 2002

into the Mac-users-are-smarter debate has more to do with left brain/right brain than smarter. Today, at the Apple Store here, I took a look at the iBook and the Powerbook again. For someone wanting to own a notebook style computer for the next three years, it seems to me you have to look at the Powerbook. To take it to the proper amount of memory and equip it with wireless, you’re looking at a number north of $2700 or so. For $3200 you can buy a faster Powerbook fully equipped.
Here’s where it gets tough to justify. I’m a former Fortune 500 exec. Much of what I’m involved in simply demands that I have MS Office or complete compatibility. That means buying a copy of Office for the Mac. Then, some of the other tools I need must be purchased. Bottom line: I’m going to buy a new Windows XP notebook. The Mac would be great (and great fun), but I simply cannot justify the higher cost associated with software licensing.
Does this nearly ANALytical assessment make me smarter or merely stingy?

Are Mac users smarter?. Or do smarter people use Macs? According to the research firm Nielsen/NetRatings, ”Mac users are more web savvy than the average netizen, make more money, have used the web longer on average, and are 58% more likely to build their own web page.” Hmmm. [Yahoo] [MSNBC-c|net] [Steven’s Weblog]

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