Product Promotion

10 July 2002

Apple & Nikon may be missing the boat!

WARNING: STRONG LANGUAGE AHEAD – Robert Scoble rants about Apple’s new found method of trying to minimize product rumors and leaks. Nikon catches some flack as well. The best part of this is Robert’s link to Phil Askey’s reviews at dpreview; they are indeed the best!

Why can’t big companies figure out that it’s the smaller sites that get people excited about their products? Heck, I was really close to buying a Macintosh.
By the way, Phil Askey writes the freaking best reviews of any product anywhere I’ve ever seen. Any journalist who wants to see how to review a product should see his stuff (his Nikon 5700 review is only about 1/2 of what he usually does on cameras). I’m in awe. [Scobleizer Radio Weblog]

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