Quoting Warren Buffett

9 March 2002

Quoting Warren Buffett in the 2001 Letter to Shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.:

Another of my 1956 Ground Rules remains applicable: ”I cannot promise results to partners.” But Charlie and I can promise that your economic result from Berkshire will parallel ours during the period of your ownership: We will not take cash compensation, restricted stock or option grants that would make our results superior to yours.
Here’s another great quote:
Though Enron has become the symbol for shareholder abuse, there is no shortage of egregious conduct elsewhere in corporate America. One story I’ve heard illustrates the all-too-common attitude of managers toward owners: A gorgeous woman slinks up to a CEO at a party and through moist lips purrs, ”I’ll do anything – anything – you want. Just tell me what you would like.” With no hesitation, he replies, ”Reprice my options.”

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