Audio Reviews And Suspended Belief

9 July 2002

From the people who tell you they can hear a power cord

An employee of a local Starbucks once took an entire paragraph of some six or eight sentences to describe the ”Coffee of the Day.” It was ”nutty, but had the hint of a mossy flavor as it cooled…” I was in tears, but tried to be polite and stifle the laughter.
However, I’ve read these audio reviews for years just for the hilarity! Power cords hooked to speakers provide you with a deafening sixty cycle hum right before they melt. Apparently, some folk can hear them even when they’re quiet. ”qbullet.sidesmiley”

Casting doubt on hi-fi reviews. ”particularly solid and clear bass, extended but without ever being excessive” ”tonality of most instruments and voices seems generally natural, with just a hint of dryness occasionally” ”a slight loss in tangibility of sound, which in turn makes for a little less listener involvement” ”Imaging is excellent and there is no detectable change in character with level.” On their own, you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that these quotes come out of a hi-fi magazine. However, you might be surprised to learn that these quotes are describing different digital interconnects. []

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