Trying To Live A Healthy Life

7 July 2002


I think this got started with Burningbird’s post about anger followed by several responses. When time and sanity prevail, I’ll take a look at these. Instinct tells me there are times when anger is the proper response, although some of these posts seem to be saying that’s not the case. I’m assuming that documented evidence says those who remain relatively free of anger live longer. What will be interesting is whether or not any of these posts mention prescriptions as a solution to anger or the ultimate in anger management. Is the conventional psychiatric diagnosis and prescription, ”you’re angry-take some Prozac?” Does anger stem from depression? What’s the difference in frustration and anger?
With the New York Times essay on fat, ”Dave” quitting smoking and all of this talk about anger, I’m reminded of three things I’ve heard prescribed for successful weight management throughout a lifetime – proper food intake, proper exercise and proper emotional balance. Getting there in any of these areas isn’t always easy. Managing emotional balance in the face of so many challenges can often be more difficult than the other steps. When something we feel strongly about (OS X-Windows, Conservative-Liberal, War-Antiwar, ProBush-AntiBush, etc.) gets trashed thoroughly by a TV commentator or a weblog or an associate, some people react quickly sending their blood pressure through the roof? Are they angry or not?

Another Voice on Anger: Michael Webb has written something on anger, far better than I ever could. Worth reading. [Time’s Shadow]

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