Radio Questions By Example
3 July 2002
Consider this. A Radio user has a weblog. He or she adds a new category. That category is for a completely different web site at a completely different domain name. The question has two parts. Can one of Joe’s templates be downloaded and used just for that category; and, can the user make posts to that web site from his copy of Radio merely by typing the post and selecting that category?
Note to users of themes: A user of one my themes contacted me about an important point (thanks Dave!) – I did not include the call for the ”Titles and Links” macro in the ”item template” for any of the themes I’ve made available to the Radio community. I don’t use that optional macro in my own site’s item template because of the extra line of space it leaves above posts that have no title (just a personal preference). So – when I designed the ”simplicity” and ”console” themes, it was easy for me to overlook the fact that some users may prefer to use titles and links in their posts – my bad.
After hearing from Dave, I considered creating alternative versions of the themes that would be ready to use with the macro. However, because it’s an optional feature which affects the site’s design, and because multiple versions could create confusion, it may be better to simply keep it optional, leaving it up to the individual user to add the macro call to their template if they choose to use it. It’s really not that hard to do – that’s what I love about Radio.
RadioDocs is an excellent resource for users who need to learn more about editing templates and other preferences (thanks to Russ Lipton). In addition, the Radio UserLand site provides the following information on how to call the macro (and the related Google-It! macro) in your item template.
Titles and Links in Radio-generated RSS
Google-It! Macro for Item Templates
If you’re using one of my themes, feel free to contact me with questions – I’ll try to help you if I can.[]
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