Yes, We All Is Just Sittin' Down

3 July 2002

heuh in ’da hot, humid summa time waitin’ for The South to rise again! This lunacy is beneath even the British. Will Hutton is beyond clueless to synthesize the topics he’s listed and draw cause-and-effect relationships between them. Texas isn’t thought of as The South. As trite as that is, that’s the only point I care to refute in this pile of horse manure. He’s promoting a book and saying anything that might sell it. Crisis in America my backside. What happens when some other corporate problem occurs with a company in Ohio or California. Are they then under the influence of the ”pernicious Southern conservatism and unadulterated greed?”

Southern Style Conservativism Responsible for Corporate Implosions?. In a recent article in the Sunday Guardian Observer, journalist Will Hutton makes the argument that conservative Southern politics have much to do with the current crisis in corporate ethics we’re having. Coincidentally, I just got done reading a large portion of the book ”White Collar Sweatshop” by Jill Andresky Fraser. This book is a depressing treastise on the state of corporate America’s policies towards it’s workers: stagnant wages, declining benefits, overwork, low morale and frequent massive layoffs are the result. []

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