Merry Christmas

25 December 2005

Merry Christmas
Wishing all who read here a
M e r r y  C h r i s t m a s !

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by December 11 of 1941

7 December 2005

Only four days after our Pacific Fleet was bombed by the Japanese in 1941, the United States was at war with Germany throughout Europe and the Japanese throughout the south Pacific. American industry rose to the challenges of supplying the nation’s needs at home and abroad.

Yes, there were sacrifices. Yes, there was rationing. Women worked unbelievably hard in factories where men had left jobs behind to go fight for freedom.

I’m thankful for the Greatest Generation. They provided in ways that some current and nearly all future generations will never understand.


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A Plan for Rebuilding

5 September 2005

Those who love a city will rebuild it. History provides many examples, but none better than Nehemiah’s work to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. Organizing, battling the politics, getting support, planning—it’s all there. From the time he heard the news that the walls were down to the time he told the king he wanted to rebuild them, Nehemiah planned. When the time came, he was prepared. Pick a translation you like and read it through. It’s a good story, but it’s a great lesson.


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Inflection Point

4 September 2005

  • Hurricane Katrina disaster
  • Currency-threatening trade imbalances
  • An ignorance and poverty cycle
  • Two Supreme Court openings
  • Red state – blue state division
  • Disagreement over our Founders’ intents
  • A desire to blame
  • War on terrorism
  • War on our culture
  • Failing government schools
  • Debt
  • Israel and the Palestinians
  • Nuclear threats
  • Infrastructure needs
  • Rebuilding one of the fifty largest cities in America
  • Dependence on foreign oil
  • Willingness to divide ourselves over debates—big & small
  • Gas shortages and prices at $3.50 per gallon & more
  • Unlawful immigration and its challenges

We face much. Answers exist.

What will your role be? Are you a participant, spectator or critic? How will your great grandchildren see the world? What’s important now?


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Pioneers, Africans and Soccer Moms

8 June 2005

Two things came to my attention today. The first was an article that appeared in USA Today last week. Titled Tyson: ‘My whole life has been a waste’, the article laments the legacy that Mike Tyson has built to date. The second item involved the car chase that occupied much of Los Angeles today.

Read on...


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