Keyboards Or Synthesizers?

9 December 2002

For some contemporary music and variety our church is planning to buy a new keyboard. Right now, the Yamaha folks have loaned one, but more than one of our musicians have complained that the thing is difficult to ”program.”

Then, quite by accident, I notice that Ben Padilla has got a set of links to synthesizers on his newly redesigned weblog.

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What I Call Fun

27 November 2002

I’m off to do a ”story” on EgglestonWorks. This company is at the cutting edge of truly high-end audio components. They manufacture extremely expensive loudspeakers for those with discriminating taste and unlimited home audio budgets. This will be a fun morning.

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What Have You Got?

26 November 2002

Imagine for a moment that ”officials” barged into your room, seized your computer and began looking for ”illegally downloaded music, movies and software.” What would they find?

Then, what steps would they take to determine these items were downloaded? How will they prove that you don’t own the original media for the items?

It seems we’re about to find out, courtesy of the RIAA and the U.S. Naval Academy.

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The Music Business

7 November 2002

Glenn Reynolds offers alternatives to gloating for some newly elected officials. In particular he offers several links that shed light on the current state of affairs in the music and recording industries.

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