Updated Documents: Marketing 101, Consulting

31 May 2002

Updated Documents: Marketing 101, Consulting 101, Business 101.

Updated Documents: Marketing 101, Consulting 101, Business 101

It’s been a busy 2 weeks since I last did an official update.  Between the O’Reilly book, paying work, blog hacking, php coding, etc, I didn’t get a mailing out last week.  Here is the updated table of contents for all the 101 content.
If you want to be alerted via email when I issue these (normally) weekly summaries, sign up at http://www.fuzzygroup.com/marketing101/.  No, I don’t spam you but you probably know that already.
Bias Disclaimer: There is a small pitch for my own services near the end of ”Selling Services as Products”.  Feel free to ignore or not.
[The FuzzyBlog!]

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