Nevermind The Founders, We Want It Our Way
15 April 2004
Lately, I’ve felt compelled to capture (by way of linking) the notions that are being tossed around by liberal critics of the nation’s policies, the President and members of the President’s administration. Linking to some of these people does NOT – I repeat NOT – signify a shift in my own thoughts about current events.
There is a big difference in reading what Tobias or Marshall say about matters when compared to reading some of the matters for yourself. I generally prefer to see the events myself rather than have someone spin or interpret the events for me.
I saw planes fly into the World Trade Center because I was watching television when it happened. I’ve read the documents at the 9/11 Commission’s web site. I watch hearings on CSPAN free of commentary.
In the arena of thoughts, ideas and words motives show through. It isn’t difficult to see that there are plenty of people in the USA today who are willing to forfeit the nation and all it has stood for to prevent the opposing political party from holding office.
Filed under: Thinking