The Import/Export Business

9 May 2003

As the trial-and-error process of backing up, securing and working with old Radio entries proceeds, lots of questions have arisen. I’m trying to add my old Radio entries which date to January 13, 2002 to this weblog. Ideally, they’d be added in such a way that they appear as if they were originally created and entered here.

The old were done with Radio. This weblog is done with Movable Type. Methods for checking the number of entries in Radio tell me that I made 1910 entries. Using one of the export tools for those entries, I get an incomplete result. It says that only 316 entries were exported. A look at the file shows no entries pre-dating May 6, 2002. I have no idea what’s wrong with this approach. I’ll stay at work on that.

Overnight I let Radio run (on an old, slow PC) and I turned on the ”archive to XML” feature. Apparently, that produces a file that some other import/export methods use. I checked that file this morning and, sure enough, it says there are 1910 entries. That’s a hopeful sign. Here’s a google search for help!

Now for ”the running of the scripts.” Hope I don’t get gored!

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